Things have been pretty busy lately and I've had too much to do at work. I think I'm going to let the C# any cpu unions thing drop... the blog posts are half written but the topic is stale.
I've been working with a company called Giggil, helping them put together an iPhone app to more easily scan and determine the value of a book (and eventually STUFF). It's been nice because for the first time in a long time I'm getting to build something with the best practices that weren't used in the main project I work on for my day job.
Something that I have been bouncing into is testing server communication and encapsulating server communication in an object oriented SOLID way. The other issue that I'm still struggling with a little bit is dealing with CoreData NSManagedObjects in an object oriented way. I think I have a solution for the server communication that I'll be writing up and posting in the next week, and as I struggle through the CoreData issues I'll be writing about that.
I don't do New Years resolutions, and it's March, but I'll be trying harder to keep up with this blog in the future.
PS. you owe yourself, as a professional developer, a mechanical switch keyboard. I just got a das Keyboard today from UPS and my limited use so far has been great. No more HULK SMASHING crappy microsoft keyboard keys.